Monday, December 17, 2007

It's cold

It's a cold day here in Atlanta. That is there are a few patches of ice on the ground and I needed to wear a coat this morning.

As I was driving in I had the thought from my childhood. My dad once told me air conditioners don't make the air cold, that take the heat out of the air. Sort of made sense. So I had this thought, cold is the absence of heat, sort of like black is the absence of color. The edges of the universe are cold, because there is no sun to heat them. The default if you will is cold.

Similar in people, our default is sin and negativity. Negativity can be seen as the absence of positivity or some counter active force. You have to have something counter active to the negativity to create a positive environment. You will always be going against the default.

This has another implication as well: The amount of positivity can only be equal to the ratio of the positive force to the environment. Since the environment is inherently negative you have to have a significant ratio of positivity to create an overall positive environment.

The problem we're all left with is how can we create enough positive force to counter act our negative tendencies?

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