Friday, September 28, 2007

A non-law abiding citizen

I'm normally a pretty law abiding type of guy. Sure I get the occasional speeding ticket for 30 over the speed limit but I'm haven't say committed any federal crimes lately.

Today I saw a device that makes me want to take that risk. We've all been there knee deep in a heated meeting. Debating the finer points of acronyms that I don't even understand. When suddenly the meeting leader gets a phone call that derails the whole thing.

Maybe you're in church and the pastor is bringing it down. Closing the service. God's really moving. Then that familiar Cingular (now AT&T) ring tone.

Being severely ADD this really kills me. I saw a new device on today that blocks most GSM signal for a mere $166. Seems like a small price to pay for the chance to break major laws and stop meeting disruptions right?

Monday, September 17, 2007

The non-post

Hey guys, I feel like I should write a whole post on not posting on your blog. Let's consider the past month or so a ministry sponsored experiment on what happens when you don't post.

That said I haven't stopped thinking. I've got quite a few things I hope to get up in the next day or so. One is basically the whole thrust of what I'm thinking from a philosophical strategic communications direction. Hey I'm thinking book deal here.

So check back soon for more rocking good and sometimes plain fun thoughts on communication.

(Tony does this even count?)