Monday, December 3, 2007

Flip Video

After many ministry requests to borrow a camera, about two months ago I purchased a cute little device called a Flip Video recorder to see if it could meet our needs. 

We purchased them to be a small, fast, and inexpensive device that used an international power standard that would allow people to vlog from anywhere in the world pending an internet connection.

I was so impessed when I unpacked the box. First of all it was small and inexpensive. Given that the request came mostly from our Global Outreach ministry that was a big deal. We have cameras, but the thought of losing a high-def Panny over the side of a ship (don't ask) just didn't seem like good stewardship. 

I intentionally didn't read the directions. I'm a pretty tech savvy guy but wanted to see how easily I could use it. Took me about 30 seconds to figure out how to install the battery, turn it on and shoot the video.

Getting the videos off was equally as easy. The device has it's own USB the "flips" out so that you can attach it to your computer. The software contains all the needed drivers and doesn't actually "install" but instead runs off the device. Tony Dye did a great first user experience post on his blog,

We just sent this little device oversees with one of GO teams, which was it's original intent.So far our global ministry has asked us to purchase somewhere between four and six of the devices. 

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