Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I was in downtown Decatur today, waiting for a friend, when I saw this truck. At first I didn't even notice, just looked like a moving truck. Then, since I had time I started reading it. I laughed out loud when I read the first line of the ad.

Truth is though I feel that way all the time. Overcommitted & undertrained. In over my head.

How many of you feel that way? How many of you have to feel that way? What do you specialize in? What could you let go of? What are you willing to let go of?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Website- A brief survey #1

I can't tell you how many times I've sat down to write this post but been called away by the urgent. I had a choice I could write about what I'm doing or be doing it. For me it was way more cool to be doing it.

A quick history on the Perimeter website (since I was in middle school when some of this was happening pardon any parts that aren't perfectly precise):

10 years ago we launched a single page billboard website to give people basic information on Perimeter.

During the next five years that grew to the point we needed a CMS and to decentralize maintenance of the site. We decentralized the site so that each ministry could update their own pages. At that time we had still only a few pages (less than 100).

Today Perimeter has grown to around 250 ministries with about 1,500 pages on our site. We have 33 subwebs (read different subdomains) and a myriad of looks as we've sought to keep the web up to date.

3 months ago we wiped the slate clean and brought in an awesome design/hosting group called eye-speak. This team is amazing. Randy and I sat down and archicted the site for them and they went away for about two months and did that programming stuff that I have become uncomfortably comfortable with.

Two weeks ago we went beta with the site. We sent out the link to the staff and encouraged the spread it around. We wanted as much feedback as we could get. After all, we couldn't think of everything.

Now next week we go full live. DNS servers will be changed, redirects will happen and most likey pandmonium will occur.

Tony Dye, the IT guy has encouarged me over and over to be documenting the process on this and I haven't, see my first statement again.

Next I'll post on what our process has been and then ultimately what we came up with.

Worship Well?

Is worship intended for the worshipper or the worshipee?

How often have you heard someone say, "that style of worship just doesn't appeal to me," or, "I prefer a more _____ stye of worhsip."

Worship isn't for *us*, it's for Him, the One, the Creator. It's like going to a birthday party and being upset that the cake isn't our favorite flavor.

I wonder if I could fully grasp that how my worship would change.


You start to fell almost paralyzed by this idea of how grand something hs to be to be legitatmate art.
Shepard Fairy, Juxtapoz Magazine, Nov. 2007