Thursday, October 4, 2007

The takeaway

It's been almost a month since MinistryCom. I left with so much stuff in my head I wanted to blog it but couldn't. So I've been digesting over the last month and this is the takeaways I'm left with.

1. You don't have it so bad. There are many ministries at other places that are less resourced, less appreciated, more overworked. No matter who you are there is someone who has it worse. Which leads to:

2. You are not alone. It was amazing how many people I heard with the same struggles as me. It taught me that I need to be better, the situation is the reality. I need to adjust my expectation.

3. A brand is a lasting experience not stuff. A brand is not your logo, collateral, or web site. It's how you make people feel. A lasting impression has a lot more impact than a brochure.

4. Web 2.0 is way more than I ever though. Matter of fact it is everything. Web 2.0 is how people interact with you. Our constituents don't want data hand fed to them (well actually they do). They also want to interact with that data, make it theirs and manipulate it.

And a few more but that's all that fell out right now. More to follow.

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