Friday, September 28, 2007

A non-law abiding citizen

I'm normally a pretty law abiding type of guy. Sure I get the occasional speeding ticket for 30 over the speed limit but I'm haven't say committed any federal crimes lately.

Today I saw a device that makes me want to take that risk. We've all been there knee deep in a heated meeting. Debating the finer points of acronyms that I don't even understand. When suddenly the meeting leader gets a phone call that derails the whole thing.

Maybe you're in church and the pastor is bringing it down. Closing the service. God's really moving. Then that familiar Cingular (now AT&T) ring tone.

Being severely ADD this really kills me. I saw a new device on today that blocks most GSM signal for a mere $166. Seems like a small price to pay for the chance to break major laws and stop meeting disruptions right?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is very tempting. At what point is the law broken? Buying the device? probably not. Having the device? probably not. It's only when YOU turn it on, right? so...what if someone else were to, um, accidentally, turn it on? Hmmm....